Sunday, August 31, 2008

arts vic grants...the melbourne grants are to pay production costs only, so for publication, payments to third parties etc..whereas arts vic (next deadline March 2) pays for the creative process, ie as a writers' grant.

possible funding sources:
state library
arts vic
city of melbourne
aaargh! why didn't anyone tell me that the council gives people money to write about Melbourne? details here now I have to wait for next year to apply...
google search on "writing about melbourne"

writing about Melbourne

notes from MWF session on Melbourne and writing about melbourne (more notes in Moleskin diary):

"that richer, other Melbourne that exists between the pages of books or in painting or in film"...Michelle de K.

- that being just one of many statements by the writers on the night that fitted with my view of this self-referential trope of Melbourne's. to the extent that I'm a little worried that when my piece comes out in the paper, people (in particular the lecturer who I think may be a good prospect for a supervisor or mentor) may think I have pinched their ideas and words.

but it's in the zeitgeist, and the general agreement between where I'm hoping to go and where people seem already to be heading only made me more enthusiastic about this project.

other bits: the idea that an act by a person/character is mirrored by the landscape, in this case Nick Gadd's comments on the "toxic act" by a character that, like the toxic chemcials left in the soil by industry, comes back to haunt him years later.
location aware media fed square

city images on google books

not the first post

have spent the morning looking for theses already written on the representation of Melbourne in film and books: can't find any. this must be a failure in my search technique because surely it's been done.

it does, however, bode well for my plan to make this topic the subject of my own masters' thesis and, I hope, of a larger work. hence this blog will be pretty much for my own personal use (ie incoherent and disjointed) as a storage place for the bits and pieces I find along the way.

this blog, and a large plastic storage container beside my desk....
cultural studies @ melbourne topics of phds
current melbourne uni phd in english topics
melbourne uni current research projects list
thesis on representation of lost children in Australian bush
thesis on participatory media at a thesis search site.